Manna U BJJ

Health & Fitness

The Manna U Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu small group meets Wednesday and Friday mornings from 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM at Manna University. We focus on developing fundamental Jiu-Jitsu techniques in a safe, supportive, and Jesus-first environment. It’s an opportunity for people, regardless of age or degree of athleticism to grow in discipline, community, and physical fitness while sharing the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Group Details:

Meeting Day(s) Wednesday, Friday
Time 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM
Meeting Frequency Weekly
Meeting Location Manna University
Childcare No
Gender Co-Ed
Group Leader(s) Carlo Serrano
Requirements None

Work Entry

Interest Form:

Need additional information?
Email the group leader by filling out this form.

Want to join this group?
Let the leader know by filling out this form—one per person interested.

First Name

Last Name



Contact Preference
