Jesus & Jiu-Jitsu - Killeen / Mens Group

Bible Study, Community, Interests

Jesus and Jiu-Jitsu men's group. Let's learn how to be better men, fathers, husbands, and sons. We will have a Bible study for 30 minutes and then a jiu-jitsu training session. A black belt will be there for training. Wear clothes that are easy to move in and bring water.

Group Details:

Meeting Day(s) Saturday
Time 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Meeting Frequency Bi-Weekly Weeks 2 & 4
Meeting Location 217 Cox Drive Harker Heights(Back gym)
Childcare No
Gender Male
Group Leader(s) Jake Jasso
Requirements None

Work Entry

Interest Form:

Need additional information?
Email the group leader by filling out this form.

Want to join this group?
Let the leader know by filling out this form—one per person interested.

First Name

Last Name



Contact Preference
