Hinds Feet on High Places
Book Study
Have you ever felt stuck? Ever told God there has got to be more to life than this?
If so come join the adventure of a young woman named Much Afraid. Crippled and disfigured at birth she feels trapped in the valley of humiliation, engaged to her horrible cousin Craven Fear and so desperately daring to dream about a better life. As she journeys to the high places, she will meet trials that help her become more sure footed in her faith while growing in endurance, persistence and complete reliance on God.
This study revolves around the promise of God in Psalm 18:33 and Habakkuk 3:19 “ The Lord God maketh my feet like hinds feet,and setteth me upon mine High Places”
Where you are now is not where you have to stay… God promises us an abundant life, where we get to live in freedom and no longer have to live by the chains of the past.
So come join Much Afraid as she shows us the splendor of giving God all that we are and the power of transformation.