Wives of Warriors-Cliffdale


WOW is a small group with a mission to encourage, support and strengthen women who have been called to be a military spouse. Our group focuses on faith building through the word of God. Giving encouragement and thriving with Jesus' help in this lifestyle they have been called to. Building friendships and supporting one another through acts of service and prayer. Support our community through outreach.

Group Details:

Meeting Day(s)
Time 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Meeting Frequency Bi-Weekly Weeks 2 & 4
Meeting Location Cliffdale Site Room 215
Childcare Yes, but a small fee is required
Gender Female
Group Leader(s) April Yerby & Bethany Drake
Requirements Married/engaged to active duty service mem

Work Entry

Interest Form:

Need additional information?
Email the group leader by filling out this form.

Want to join this group?
Let the leader know by filling out this form—one per person interested.

First Name

Last Name



Contact Preference
